Ulu's Law of Online Gaming

Low risk, after breaking through the barrier will have chips to fight with the casino all the way, did not pass the barrier? It's just a small loss, no big deal. This is a simple way of betting that is worth playing again and again. I have seen strange series of betting methods (formulas), and I always think that "1326" is the most recommended for everyone.

Please note: This is a very simple game, but emotional control should not be ignored, especially the fourth bet (6), sometimes you will not dare to start, which will instead mess up, so that the original should be a big win a bet into a haphazard end of a small win situation.

Betting method.

1. Bet 1 first

2. The first time you win, add 1 to the second time and bet 3 (1 from the first bet + 1 from the win + 1 from the add on = 3)

3. The first time you lose, you go back to square one, bet 1 and start from the beginning.

4. For the second win, put a 4 in your pocket and bet a 2 for the third time.

5. The second time you lose, you go back to square one, bet 1 and start from the beginning.

6. the third win, then add 2, the fourth bet 6 (the second bet of 2 + the win of 2 + add up to 2 = 6)

7. The third time you lose, you go back to square one as well, bet 1 and start from the beginning.

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